Today there was another walking tour with the same guy, Gary. It also happened to be freezing today. And raining. I'm pretty sure it didn't get above 36 degrees and it was at least sprinkling the whole time. I woke up around 9, but didn't get out of bed until almost 11 since the tour started at 1 and it takes about a half an hour to walk to the meeting point. The tour was supposed to be 3 hours long but Gary cut it a little short because of the weather, so it was a little over two. We started off the tour by heading over to the Glasgow Cathedral, which is beautiful. And right next to the Cathedral is the Necropolis. Before we headed into the city of the dead, however, Gary shared a couple of stories about St. Mungo, the patron saint of Glasgow. He is very beloved, having a museum named in his honor, and the seal of Glasgow depict four of the miracles he performed that raised him to sainthood. In the Necropolis Gary shared some ghost stories as a bit of a preview to a ghost tour he does at the end of February. We had a few more stops including parts of the University of Strathclyde's campus. The University is situated right in Merchant's Square which is one of the older parts of the city. We were told a few stories about the campus and the surrounding area. We ended the tour at the Ramshorn Theater, which used to be an old church. It is now owned by Strathclyde and is used as a theater, obviously. It is also said to be the site of one of St. Mungo's miracles (not one of the ones on the seal). Gary had told Becca and I on Saturday that today's tour would pass by two more of the TARDISes, which was a very important factor. We had passed by one on the way into the Necropolis but didn't go by the other one before Gary ended the tour (since it was cut short) but he did point us in the right direction after the tour was over so we have now found 4 of the 6 TARDISes in Glasgow. The other two are supposidly almost impossible to find. Challenge Accepted!!!

After the tour we had planned to meet up with some of Becca's flatmates to see Les Miserables. I had absolutely no idea what it was about beyond The French Revolution and being a musical but it sounded like fun so I tagged along. We saw it at Cineworld, which the one on Glasgow is supposed to be the tallest movie theater in the world. I enjoyed the movie. I am a heckler so I was whispering snide remarks to Becca the entire time. She had already seen it so it was OK. It had some eye candy which I am all about as well as some really beautiful songs. Plus I just wish my life was a musical so I do always enjoy them. Since it was almost 3 hours long, it did mean that I didn't get back to my flat until 9pm. Making today very long. Overall it was a very long and busy weekend but I really did enjoy getting to see so many parts of Glasgow and meeting some new people.
Hopefully the weather will bet better for sightseeing. Gram and I went to see Les Miserables a couple of weeks age. We thought it was great also. Susan Boyle(s) rendition of I dreamed a dream will make you car when you hear it. It is beautiful. She is from Blackcurn and participated in I've got talent in Glasgow. You can find her on your computer. It is worth the time to try to listen to her. Love you
I have to watch my typing. Too many typos. Love you
Your life is a musical, how many other families do you know that spontaneously break out into song? You even have your own theme song..
ReplyDeleteSarah-Beara We need some posts. What are you doing? Love you