Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Class Confusion

Yesterday (Jan 7) classes started here in Glasgow. But they are very confusing to say the least. During International Orientation we had this session called The Supermarket Session. This basically means that people from the different departments were all set up in this atrium of one of the buildings. If you had been preapproved for the classes you didn't need to talk to them but I talked to all my people anyway. I did need to talk to the people from The Glasgow School of Art because there were a couple of classes there that are being offered for University of Glasgow students but you had to put your name on a list since you can't enroll in their classes through the University's system. I also talked to a woman from the archaeology department but she didn't really know much about my class. The last person I talked to is in charge of two of the classes I am taking; Scottish Enlightenment (for the Principia Consortium and counts as an Honors course at CNU) and Exploring Scottish Culture. He gave us some extra information about the Principia and a little overview about the classes. I still did not feel very prepared.

Becca and I went around on Sunday in attempt to figure out where some of our classes are but it was not very successful: all of the buildings were locked. We did however find our way to Kelvingrove Park and Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery which we wandered about in for a while.

Anyway when the time came yesterday to go to class we still did not know what we were doing (it was Enlightenment so we have it together). We found some fellow Principia students and wandered with them. We did find the class without too much trouble. This class will normally run from 12-2 (a lecture followed by a seminar which is a pretty common format here, of which I was unaware), but seminars haven't started yet so we were done at 1. I had signed up to have archaeology on Mondays from 4-5 so I went to the class, got there a little early, did some really awkward stuff, finally went in and sat down, the other guy that was in there left, I got really confused, finally decided I had done something wrong, and went back to my room. I got onto my computer to look at my timetable thing (week-by-week schedule) and it didn't show me as having archaeology today........I was really confused. But it did show me having it on Tuesday and Thursday from 12-1........even more confused. I went into the class information thing where you enroll in classes and it still had the Monday from 4-5 listed so tried enrolling in it again but it said I was already in it. Extremely lost, I went back to my timetable to look at the next week and sure enough there was Monday at 4 listed, but Tuesday and Thursday at 12 were also listed. I finally deduced that the lecture and seminar were completely different things, yet both part of the class (there's also one Saturday that's dedicated to field work at some point).

That being said I went to my archaeology lecture today and it looks like it's going to be a really fun class. I am usually going to have Black and White Photography on Tuesdays as well but Glasgow School of Art doesn't start until next week. After that I feel much better about my classes. Exploring Scottish Culture is still a mess in that we don't enroll in it ourselves and it's only every other week, but I'm just gonna show up anyway and see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. Its ok to be confused. I've been confused for 75 years. I'm so confused that I can'r remember my name. Anyway, keep pluging away and alk to the other students. Stop them in the halls and ask where you need to go and how to get there. You will be surprised how helpful they will be and you will meet some great kids. Stop, have some fun and go to the pub where the students hang out and have a beer. My treat. Love ya

